
Managing / Recruiting


As a broker/manager, among your key responsibilities, are hiring, training, directing and motivating your sales team to sustain your brokerage’s ongoing growth and profitability. At Royal LePage®, we help to facilitate those efforts. Below, is a toolkit for your recruiting efforts.

Download the Recruiting Presentation

Royal LePage Marketing has created a complete presentation deck that includes all products and services offered at Royal LePage. You can use the entire presentation or pick and choose slides that will make the most impact with your potential recruit.

Recruiting & Retention Tools

Prospect and retain with a variety of tools including a customizable Recruiting Presentation, Recruiting & Retention Videos, targeted Recruiting Smart Campaigns, a guest username and password for rlpNetwork™, and much more!

Lead Generation and Management

Review your current recruitment lead pipeline in Royal LePage’s applicant tracking tool. Use assessment tools to learn more about your leads and find out about preferred supplier relationships with key online recruiting lead generators.

Recruiting & Retention Videos

Highlight to your recruiting prospects how Royal LePage could help them find and grow their success. Leverage a library of downloadable videos, (also available to share via Royal LePage’s official YouTube channel). These videos provide you with content that describes the company’s key values, products and services, and benefits like our incredible culture and innovative technology, and we have in-depth agent testimonials to share a personal perspective.

Training and Accountability

Be inspired to take your recruiting and retention to the next level with webinars and coaching. Learn tangible tactics, activities and systems you can use every day that will support a successful recruiting model to achieve your goals.

DISC Personality Assessments & Reports

Understanding what DISC can tell you about a prospective recruit or team member is a powerful tool for your business. DISC personality assessments measure how a person relates to systems and people, how they approach conflict, how they respond to different environments, as well as what motivates or deters them.

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