
Award Logos and Guidelines

The Royal LePage® Sales Awards and Recognition program is a long-standing program that helps you to distinguish yourself within your marketplace.

Important notices: All references to “Royal LePage” within a sales award logo now include a notice of Registered ® trademark, and the award logo and name now include a notice of either a Registered ® or Unregistered ™ trademark. When referring to an award in text, the appropriate trademark notice symbols (® or ™) must be incorporated. For example, Royal LePage® Executive Circle™ Award.

You must also include the following statement when promoting your awards: “View important disclosures and notices about Royal LePage® trademarks at rlp.ca/notices. “

To ensure the effective use, protection and preservation of these trademarks, please use the  registered and unregistered trademark notices for all Royal LePage Sales Award logos in your marketing collateral.

Award Guidelines

The enhanced Royal LePage Sales Awards & Recognition Guidelines include updated criteria, qualification periods, and usage guidelines for each award. 


Award Logos

  • Award logos may not be edited
  • The multi-year award logo are editable Adobe Illustrator (AI) files.
  • Multi-year versions should be used to promote when an award has been won over multiple years
  • The generic versions can be used to add the award year manually
  • Agents must include the years in which the award was earned, to abide by provincial guidelines, and we recommend the three most recent years are listed
  • Award logos are available in several file formats. For placement in print (.eps) and web (.png) materials 

Click on the links below to download award logos. 

Looking for information about the Royal LePage® Top Tier™ program? Click here.
Royal LePage® A. E. LePage REALTOR® of the Year™ Award and the Rookie of the Year™ award winners, email nelia@royallepage.ca to request logo files.

If you have any questions about the Sales Awards program, please contact Nelia Luis, Manager, Recognition & Referrals at nelia@royallepage.ca or 416-271-6762.