
Home. It’s who we are.

We find their perfect home, in the perfect neighbourhood, on the perfect street. We don’t settle until we’ve negotiated the best price for their home, whether they’re buying or selling. We use innovative technology, designed for clients. And we help our neighbours, in the communities where we live and work.

Royal LePage | Home. It’s who we are.

We’re excited to share the newly-launched national Royal LePage brand campaign, ‘Home. It’s who we are.’ This unique creative highlights how Royal LePagers go above and beyond to serve the communities in which they live and work. All with the support of an innovative and tech-savvy brand.

To support the campaign, we are running targeted consumer social media campaigns on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to increase brand awareness for both, you and the Royal LePage brand. All assets are available for you to leverage in your own marketing initiatives and on social media channels. It’s easy to do, and will generate more awareness and leads by driving consumers to your website.

Leverage and support the campaign:
  1. Watch the new brand video on Royal LePage Canada’s YouTube channel
  2. View the campaign’s video ad assets on Royal LePage Canada’s YouTube channel
  3. Like and share the campaign on FacebookInstagram and Twitter
  4. Download, post and share the video and ad assets (available below) with your existing clients, prospects, suppliers, friends and family on your social media channels, and business website
  5. Create your own Facebook or Instagram ad campaign using the available assets below

Unsure how to create your own Facebook campaign?

Visit Facebook’s Ad Basics to learn how to set up and manage your ad campaign. Or you can watch our Learning Services team’s comprehensive webinar on how to build a Facebook campaign: Running your own Facebook Campaign.

Campaign Assets

Notice: The materials and other assets (including videos, photos, and written content) provided by Royal LePage for the “Home. It's who we are.” brand campaign are intended to be used in the format provided and in accordance with the Terms of Use. Any alteration, customization or unauthorized use of the content is strictly prohibited.

If you have any questions or comments, please email marketing@royallepage.ca.