
Shelter / Shelter Events & Campaigns / Sharing for Shelter

The Holiday Season is the most important period of the year for women shelters. To provide comfort to women and children who deal with spousal abuse throughout the province of Quebec, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation’s Sharing for Shelters Fundraiser aims at raising awareness about this important matter and collect funds to aid local shelters during the holiday season. 

Between November 1 to 25, 2018, join the movement and help women and children escape domestic violence.  

* The deadline of 25 November has been chosen because it is the date chosen by the United Nations to celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. 

How can I get involved? 
    1. Become a commission donor. Be part of the movement by subscribing to the commission donations program so that you give back each time you help a client sell or buy a property (when you receive a commission for your services). This is a small gesture that will not make any noticeable difference in your income, but all the difference in the word for these women.

      To participate, fill out this commission donor form and return it to. At the end of the month of February, you will receive an official tax receipt for all donations of $20 or more made to the Foundation.

    2. Making a one-time donation. You and your clients can make a donation to your Office team online at Sharing for Shelters or by downloading this donation form. All donations are accepted, but only donations of $20 or more are eligible for a tax receipt. Donation receipts are provided on an annual basis, at the latest during the month of February of the year following your donation.
    3. New! Order greeting cards to the benefit of the Shelter Foundation. You can now buy Shelter Foundation branded greeting cards through your office or create your own customized template by filling this form. Then, hand over your form to the office assistant in charge of the campaign donations.

      Amounts raised through the greeting cards, as well as donations in cheque or cash can be handed out to your office’s administrative assistant responsible for collecting donations. Be sure to seal the envelope and identify it with your name.

    4. Leverage the campaign’s marketing kit.

                   5. Share the Facebook event to raise awareness. Visit the event Facebook page.  

For additional information about the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation, visit royallepage.ca/shelter

Questions? Contact your agency manager or Johanne Robert at johannerobert@royallepage.ca